Thé vert de Ceylan, 15 sachets Triangle, 37,5 g
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"Thé vert de Ceylan, 15 sachets Triangle, 37,5 g" Feature
'Serendipity', the art to make discoveries with the help of luck, originates from the Arabic name of Sri Lanka: Serendib. And if it is to do with tea, this description couldn't be more appropriate as the country discovered this economic branch accidentally for itself. Tea (Camellia sinensis) was established in Ceylon in the year 1824 by the British and was grown on a trial basis in the botanical gardens near Kandy. After extensive research the necessary vegetations have been categorized to develop different and unique flavours. 40 years later, working with tea could start on the first tea plantation. With time it was found out that tea also grows on an altitude of 2000 meter. The tea land corresponds with the highlands of Sri Lanka, splendid green, partly hilly - partly mountainous, landscape in the southern part of the island's centre. Colour, aroma, flavour and the 'mouthfeel' of a tea depends on the altitude of where it is grown, on the processing and on the care. Soil, climate and care of the processing influence flavour and quality. Therefore each plantation has a different, own and individual type of tea. The freshly picked leaves wilt for some hours and then get rolled. Like this they remain three hours so that they loose more liquid. The juicily green leaves oxidize and become copper-coloured. In a special room they get dried until they are black and wilted. After that the leaves are sorted by a colander according to size and the famous Ceylon tea is ready!
- 100% Ceylon black tea, direct importation
- from the best tea plantations of Sri Lanka
- with controlled organic farming
- 15 Triangle tea sachets in brilliant aesthetics
- by J.HORNIG Austria

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