Review : Sombre ensemble-cadeau Blend »Latteccino Zauber"
Save Price Sombre ensemble-cadeau Blend »Latteccino Zauber". Get around the merchant 's online looking and browse reviews. If you're trying to discover Sombre ensemble-cadeau Blend »Latteccino Zauber" with essentially the most efficient worth. This will be the most efficient bargains for you. Exactly where you may locate these item is by online seeking outlets? Read the previews on Sombre ensemble-cadeau Blend »Latteccino Zauber" Now, it 's best worth. therefore don't shed it.
Main Features : Sombre ensemble-cadeau Blend »Latteccino Zauber"
Dark Blend by J.HORNIG is the Ristretto creation for espresso gourmets. The complex Grand Cru reaches a hyper-intensive spectrum of aroma with balanced nuances of flavours. The round aroma and a discreet acidity characterize the Dark Blend Ristretto. The slightly fruity aftertaste underlines the opulent composition of 7 pure Arabica types. The renown poet Stefan Brinkmann alias 'Der NachtPoet' (the night-poet) was inspired by Dark Blend for the exclusive work 'Nachtschatten-Elixir' (nightshade-elixir). The artist dedicated the poem of the same name to all Dark-Blend-lovers as tribute to the espresso cult and the resulting enjoyment-passion.
- exclusive arrangement by J.HORNIG Austria
- Original Dark Blend Ristretto tin, 250 g ground
- 1 stainless steel cocoa caster for perfect milk froth decoration
- 2 dark black Latteccino cups (à 18 cl) made of porcelain
- in high quality gift box with red bow

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