Espresso gemahlen 250g rot
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"Espresso gemahlen 250g rot" Feature
From the first try onwards this coffee convinces with its rich and harmonic aroma and its balanced flavour which extents from pleasantly nutty and fruity to soft wooden notes. The aftertaste is round, elegant and long lasting. A espresso blend of which stable high quality is appreciated by experts all around the world. Illy is one of the most famous coffee brands of Italy and of great renown. To live up daily to its reputation illy uses exclusively selected Arabica beans which have to get through a rigorous in-house selection process before being carefully roasted.
- illy espresso in a 250 g tin
- roasting N - medium roasted (red)
- ground and sealed for freshness
- preparation as classic espresso
- Original illycaffè from Trieste / Italy

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