Prestige-boîte de «Exclusive» avec 20 ESE Cialde, 140 g
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"Prestige-boîte de «Exclusive» avec 20 ESE Cialde, 140 g" Feature
The extra-class espresso Cialde-set with 4 of the best, most expensive and most rare coffee blends of the world. An extremely exclusive compilation for the highest demands.
- Range of 20 highly exclusive espresso specialities, individually packed
- 4 types of espresso by 4 renowned roasters from Italy and Austria
- Hausbrandt Academia di Trieste; Caffee Consul in strictly high grown quality by J.HORNIG
- La Genovese original Jamaica Blue Mountain; illycaffè roasting 'S' (Ristretto ground)
- 5 servings per variety; espresso pads in worldwide E.S.E. (Easy Serving Espresso) standard; incl. gift box

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